I was taught the earth is flat!

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FEEL FREE TO MIRROR THIS VIDEO ANYWHERERuth is 102 years old and when I asked her what she was taught in grade school, this is what she said. Here is the pre interview I was doing with her about the World Fair she attended when I thought to asked her what they taught her in grade school about the earth, https://youtu.be/fP4pZJ1Szvw *FLAT EARTH SUN MOON & ZODIAC CLOCK APP*With YouTube’s censorship of truthful flat earth content, the app brings you the latest and best videos while avoiding their propaganda algorithm. Download and check it out today!Apple https://apps.apple.com/us/app/flat-earth-sun-moon-zodiac/id1440996640Android https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.flatearthsun&hl=en_IN Support this channel and FLAT EARTH awareness. https://www.patreon.com/DITRHMore evidence that the globe was not introduced into the world until the early 1900's https://www.dropbox.com/sh/o1qb6x51onlfp9f/AAA2QoQfuVV1DKo_wU9zNyr1a?dl=0