Giant Human Biology confirmed with DNA

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Giants were plentiful and vagina mudfossils are not uncommon. I have certified DNA tests on Giants over 50ft tall and that is not large at all.Professor Roger is a dedicated scientist who has the courage to go against the grain, as they say, and shows us how the modern scientific Cult/Cabal of highly paid Quacks brainwash us in the name of education. Please subscribe to Mudfossil University on Youtube for in-depth study of this ground breaking new science of Mud Fossil.Here in Lionsville we question everything and we have no sacred cows! After-all its obvious that we have been lied to at every turn, by the very people we've chosen to trust.We will keep spreading the message about new frontiers of knowledge and the human emancipation, no matter what..Support us in anyway you can. No matter how big or small.Our paypal account: Please donate to keep us up & running.Follow us on twitter: Lionsville@OgoIgnatiusWe need you to keep the fire of truth burning..Remember."Only the small secrets need to be protected. The big ones are kept secret by public incredulity."- Marshall McLuhan